The system was written using PHP and MYSQL database. The use of common tools allows installation on servers that the business chooses and maintenance according
to its preferences. The system can be used as SaaS.
There is a full seperation between the clients' application (the smart bot) and the business internal system.
The integration between these systems is very minimal, so that the bot does not save information about the clients and doesn't
have access to information about them that exists in the system.
Moreover, the smart bot can't get inforamtion about the requests in the system, excluding the request status.
The internal system is protected with a personal password, with a flexible password policy according to the business' request.
The access can be limited by IP addresses, or using a DOUBLE OPT IN mechanism, based email or SMS, to the choice of the business.
The internal system manages every request seperatly, so that information that the client provided in one request will not be copied to other requests.
The system was written in a flexible architecture that allows to conduct changes and alternations according to the business' request,
while leaning on the code directories that are the same for all businesses.
All the requests that are received in the system will go automatically to the information systems that exist in the business,
given that the business provides a suitable OS.